Carol singers 2021

Unfortunately, our carol singers are not allowed to go from house to house this year.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to relinquish the blessing for your house and your apartment.
Our pastors and chaplains will speak the blessing for the upcoming year 2021 for your town and village from churches. As a sign for asking for this blessing, there will be a new blessing sticker:

If you have registered for the carol singer initiative, we will deliver this to your mailbox. Distribution will run until January 10, 2021, depending on the location and weather. They will also be ready for collection in the churches in January. On request (call or email the parish office) we are happy to send you a blessing sticker in the new year, while stocks last.
The carol singers collection benefits children all over the world. You are welcome to transfer the donations intended for the carol singer initiative to our account or hand them in a labeled envelope after the public services have resumed.

Our donation account:
Kirchengemeinde Heiliger
Wendelinus Ramstein
Konto 59 11 23
bei der Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern (IBAN: DE66 5405 0220 0000 5911 23) „Verwendungszweck: Sternsinger 2021.“

Parish office: Telefon 06371 – 61 368 -0
We are also on Facebook!